Sunday, July 5, 2009

Katie's Biology Collection

The plant, Lilly the dog, bacteria, and mushrooms are all in different Kingdoms. The 1) flower is in the Kingdom Plantae, 2) Lilly is in Kingdom Animalia, the 3) bacteria that the Lysol kills is in Kingdom Monera, and a 4) mushroom is is the Kingdom Fungi.

A June bug, as well as most other insects, has a body that is 5) segmented into 3 different parts, the head, thorax, and abdomen. These parts are covered by a hard outer shell called the 6) exoskeleton. The exoskeleton serves as their bones, and instead of growing as the insect grows, the exoskeleton is shed when it becomes too small for the bug and a new one soon replaces it.

Being a lifeguard in Texas is a very hot job and one way to keep cool is to sweat. This is how the body keeps itself in a state of 7) homeostasis. Homeostasis is achieved when everything in the body is balanced. When Taylor sweats as in this picture his body is trying to keep itself cool. When a breeze comes, the sweat cools him down, balancing out the Houston heat.

This pork loin may have come from a pig that was 8) genetically modified. This is a trend among big meat farms who alter the animals to breed quicker, grow bigger, and have the desirable qualities of meat.

9) Fermentation is the process of a carbohydrate turning into an acid. This is used in pickling and also in the production of alcohol but because of the effects on the body Elmo is keeping away until he is 21.

All plants have 10) an flower ovary, which surrounds the ovules that produce the fruit after fertilization, and 11) pollen which fertilizes the seeds.

While these people are in the same family, there is a 12) genetic variation within the population. No one person looks or acts exactly the same.

A zebras stripes are an example of an 13) adaptation of an animal. It travels in herds and the collection of all the stripes creates an illusion of one large mass of stripes, thus confusing the predator. The predator can not pick out an individual zebra, making the hunt more difficult. Through years of adaptation and survival of the fittest the stripes is a defining feature of the zebra.

A 14) gymnosperm cone, or pine cone, encases the seeds of a gymnosperm plant. This image is of a male cone because it is closed as opposed to open.

An egg is a 15) unicellular organism. Its nucleus is the yolk and the egg white is the surrounding cytoplasm. Eggs are the largest single cell organism, specifically ostrich eggs.

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