Sunday, August 30, 2009

Valerie Betancourt Biology Collection 2

Adaptation of a plant- modifications that plant make suited to their way of life. it helf them survie. This plant was pulled out from its original home and put into pot. Since then it has made modifications to live in this pot and has since then survived.
Homeostasis is maintenance of normal internal conditions in a cell or an organim by means of self-regulating mechanisms. Ashely my sister has just came back from school and she took a nap because she was tired. By resting her body she was keeping homeostasis.

Lipids used for energy storage- Lipids main function are used to store energy for the body. This cheese contains lipids inside that are stored.

Niche-the position or function of an organism in a community of plants and animals. It is place or position suitable or appropriate for an organism. My house is my niche a place that is suitable for me.

genetically modified organism-

It is an organism who's genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. This beef was genetically modified so that people would enjoy its taste and size.

Fermentation is the process of deriving energy from the oxidation of organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, using an endogenous electron acceptor, which is usually an organic compound. One type of fermentation is that of alcohol which is use to make beer and alcohol like my picture on the left.

Vestigial structures-
A vestial structure is an organ that once was useful in an animal’s evolutionary past, but that now is useless. A penguins wings are a vestigial structure because they can not fly so they are useless. A example would be a persons ear muscles like in the picture to the left.

flower ovary
It is the part of the carpel which holds the ovules and is located above or below or at the point of connection with the base of the petals and sepals. This flower is an example and it contains a ovary in the middle of its structure.

They are organisms that get carbon that is necessary for life from organic substrates. Heterotrophes are not able to synthesize organic carbon-based compounds from inorganic sources in the environment. My grandmal is an example of a heterotroph because she gets her food from other organisms.

Amniotic egg-
It is a group of tetrapod vertebrates that have a terrestrially adapted eggs. A chicken egg would be an example of an amniotic egg.

Pholem- vasular tissue that conducts organic solutesin plnats;contains sieve-tube members and companion cells. In a tree the pholem would be in the inner most layer of the bark.

Ekaryote- A single-celled or multicellular organism whose cells contain a distinct membrane-bound nucleus. my cousin is a example of a ekaryote because is made of many cells that contain membrane- bound nucleus.

bialateral symmetry-
Symmetrical arrangement, as of an organism or a body part, along a central axis, so that the body is divided into equivalent right and left halves by only one plane. My cousins face would be a example of bialateral symmetry because it could be divided equivantly.

genetic variation within a population-
Is a genetic diversity in a population or species as a result of new genetic combinations. My cousins may come from the same orgin but they have genetic diversity that what makes them look different from one another.

Territorial behavior
The actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli. My dog Roxy is protecting her territory because she thinks she is being threatend.

Valerie's Biology collection 1

Connective tissue
Type of animal tissue that binds structures together, provides support adn protection. fills spaces, stores fat, and forms blood cells, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone and blood are types of connective tissue. The Connective tissue on my cousin's leg holds her tendons together around her knee and give her support.

Vascular tissue that transports water and mineral solutes upward through the plant body; It contains vessel elements and tracheids. This tree outside the house is a example of a xylem.

gymnosperm leaf
Leaf that comes from a gymnosperm plant usually needle like structure. the Leaf to the left comes from a sago palm that is a gymnosperm plant. It leaf is shaped needle like.

Epithelial tissue

Is tissue that lines the hollow organs and covers surfaces like the in the picture to the left were the skin covers the organs.

Long day plant

A long-day plant requires fewer than a certain number of hours of darkness in each 24-hour period to induce flowering. The plant to the left flowered this summer in my backyard while all the others died. And is an example of a long day plant.


Symbiotic relationship between certain fungi and algae, in which the fungi possibly provides inorganic food or water and the algae provide organic food. The picture on the left shows lichen on the wood.


Cabohydrates is a type of biomolecule it is also called a saccharide.
Carbohydrates are split into simple carboydrates and complex carbohydrates. The polysaccharides are polymeric carbohydrate structures, formed of repeating units joined together by glycosidic bonds. a example of this would be rice. There are Dissacharides which are formed when two monosaccharides undergo a condensation reaction which involves the elimination of a small molecule. And finally there are monosaccharides the simplest unit of a carbohydrate and sugar is an example of that.

Kingdom Plantae

This kingdom is located in the Eukarya domain and is made up of mosses, ferms, conifers, and flowering plants. They are made up multicellular with specialized tissues containing complex cells. This kingdom photo synthesizes food.

Animalia Kingdom
This Kingdom is found in Eukarya Domain. This kingdom is mulitcellular with specialized tissues containing complex cells. In this kingdom they ingest food. The wild hog to the left is an example.

Kingdom Fungi

This kingdom is found in the Eukarya Domain. This kingdom is mostly mulitcellular fillaments with specialized, complex cells. In this kingdom they absorb food. Mushrooms are examples of this fungi and the picture to the left is a mushroom in my back yard.

Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Protista is in the Eukarya Domain. Protist range from unicellular forms some multicellular. They absorb, Photosythesize and ingest food. This algae is part of the kingdom protista.

Gymnosperm cone

Is the name for a group of seed baring plants whose seeds are formed naked on the scales of a cone of cone-like structure. The sago palm is known to have a gymnosperm cone like in the picture to the left.

Is a fine powderlike material that consist of pollen grains and that is produced by the anthers of seed plants. In this plant to the left the yellow pollen gathers up in the middle.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Valerie's Hot Zone Reaction Part 4

Part four was exciting for me to read because Preston goes back to where it all began Kitum Cave. The end is finally coming I said to myself/ I was really hoping that he would find answers surronding Ebola. I was captivated about how he describes the scenery of the jungle. It sounds so beautiful yet at the same time this is where Ebola said to be found. I thought that they would find that Ebola came from bats or a certain organism. However when inside the cave after all that hoping for answers to be found surrounding Ebola, nothing came of it. I was disappointed because it such a dangerous virus and I was sure they would have to find something that would help the case out but nothing. It left we asking myself the same question where is Ebola from? I also had a chill down my spine when it is mentioned it will be back referring to the Ebola. I thought to myself that Ebola could live in anything and everything so it is possible that we will see the Ebola virus again. The question is what will be the next host.

Valerie's Hot Zone Reaction Part 3

Part three is all filled with Drama and action. This part of the book was the most exciting to read. Part three started off with chaos, you got the army trying to clean up the monkey house. Every one working on the job is running into each other, a lot of close encounters. I was amazed how the author was able to make the scene come alive. I actually felt as if I was with the team trying to put down the monkeys. It took a lot of work for the army to make it look as if nothing unusual was happening at the monkey house when in reality the issue was grave matter. I was terrified at the idea that they would not be able to stop the virus from spreading especially when they mention the kids day outside the monkey house. When the monkey escaped I could not stop reading because i wanted to know what was going to happen. I was amazed at the since of duty the Jaxxes have with their work. I mean for Nancy to not go visit her dad to fulfill her duty was big. But I like how she remembers what they told her at work that if she was going to take the job she was either going to neglect her job or her family.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Valerie's Hot Zone Reaction Part 2

Part 2 of the Hot Zone is one of the longest sections of the book but is hard to put down. As I read about Dan Dalgard and his situation with the monkeys becoming increasingly ill. To me the fact that more monkeys were falling ill only foreshadowed that they would become ill with Mar bug or Ebola. I was astonished at the fact that Ebola was able to jump from one continent to another. Even thought I was sad that so many healthy monkeys were dying from Ebola I am also glad that they were able to use them for research. Because if they were not used then they would have never found the Ebola. I was happy to see how well Dan Dalgard took great responsibility in trying to see what was wrong with the monkeys. If it were not for him Ebola might have never been found in the U.S.

I was even more pleasantly surprised how well USAMRIID handled the outbreak at the monkey house. They were able to keep the Ebola from spreading to the public and were able to hide the it from the public as well. The out break would have caused a panic. I wondered to myself what would happen if the news would have made it out to the public? Then I remembered the panic the swine flu caused in Mexico then in the U.S when the first person cached it.Most people panicked and believed they had the swine flu . The same thing would have happened if the public would have know about The Ebola.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Valerie's Hot Zone Reaction Part 1

As I read the Hot Zone by Richard Preston I was amazed of how little was known about Ebola and how lethal it was to our world today. It petrified me how Ebola could jump from one host to another killing the host in just days. My first thought was what if it reappeared again how would we be able to put it down? Could we put it down? To imagine how a single virus could wipe out a hospital as the one in Maridi in Africa. It was sad to read about doctors and nurses that were trying to help those with Ebola. They were trying to save patients lives and at the same time they did not know they would need the saving to. Because with Ebola anyone or thing can become the next host.

It is frightning to belive that by the a single touch or with one encounter with an effected person that one can catch this virus. It was hard to read how the Ebola virus started off with simple headache but at the end would lead to your body bleeding out. How can you stop Ebola nobody knows much about it. If one was infected today with Ebola would they even know? I know if it was I who was infected the answer would be no. I would put it off as a simple headache that everybody gets. I would never in my wildest dreams even think of the possibilites of Ebola. Even though the idea of having Ebola was horrific to me I could not help but admire how there were people who actually worked with Ebola at USAMRIID. It takes a lot of bravery to be able work with a hot agent that is so lethal and knowing that at every moment they are at risk. But people like Nacy Jaxx took it as task that would help people.She saw working with this hot agent as a possibilty of one day finding a cure. While learning about institutes like USAMRIID, I belive that they should be supported more. Because they are doing work that can benifit us in the future.

As I read part one and about Ebola it made me ponder on the possiblities of Ebola coming back. And how it can jump form host to host that can lead to it spreading world wide. I know that after reading part one of the Hot Zone it makes me want to become more cautious. I belive that evey one should know about Ebola and the symptoms because Ebola reappearing is always a possibity.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Genevieve's Reaction Part 2

The Monkey House

I could hardly focus all throughout the second section of this riveting book, due to my great upset to the fact that dozens of monkeys were dying of this virus, their eyes glazed over and lifeless. But this did, in fact, get my pulse racing. I was officially terrified for those scientists unknowingly inhaling one of the deadliest viruses known to man. It's completely insane to think that a few rooms full of monkeys sitting in Virginia were inches away from causing the total annihilation of man kind. It begins to get a little more real when it moves from a deep dark cave in the middle of Africa to the suburbs of the United States.

Reaction to Part 1

The Shadow of Mount Elgon

After reading the first section of Richard Preston's The Hot Zone, I was utterly astonished. I was amazed by the speed at which the Ebola virus could jump from one host to another; I was completely aware of the fact that this virus could easily wipe out the entire human race within months. I was amazed the the "most powerful beings on earth", the king of the animals, the dwellers of Wall Street, and the multi-millionaires could be obliterated by something they couldn't even see with their naked eye, a sort of sick irony. Yet, even with all this knowledge, I was not quite frightened. Terror was not, in fact, pounding through my veins; my honest first thought was, "Wow, that's what I want to do with my life." It seems masochistic to want to hop into a space suit, blue gloves tapped to my medical scrubs underneath, enter a Level 4 hot zone, and play around with something more lethal that rattlesnake venom, stronger than a sharks bite, and more terrifying than an AK-47 pointed at your chest; but it's exhilarating, and that's what I live for.

Lauren's Hot Zone Reaction - Part 4

Reading the final part of The Hot Zone was captivating how it ended where it all started. The way the author Preston describes the beautiful scenery as if untouched sounded so moving and simply beautiful. Anyone who would ever come across these lands wouldn't even consider the possible danger of a deadly virus waiting for it's next host. As intriguing as reading about Preston's experiment as to see how this virus generates, it was somewhat a disappointment that there's not more to tell about this virus. I was somewhat hoping that if not a cure was found, someone would eventually see how it can cause so much damage to human, monkeys, and guinea pigs, but not to other animals like possibly bats or a specific kind of insect. I learned so much from this book, but it leaves me asking for more answers. I can see now why some people the Jaax couple and Gene Johnson to name a few can put themselves inches from death. Because as horrible as it sounds, there is a point that sounds captivating and moving of learning more about something so strange and unknown like the Ebola.

Jada's Biology Collection. Starring My Phone

Radial Symmetry
When the petals are of the same size, shape, and are equidistant from each other, the flower has radial symmetry. As you can see, the white flower pictured has radial symmetry.

The phylum basidiomycota consists of fungi that produce spores that are formed outside a pedestal-like structure. The members of this phylum, known as basidiomycetes, include all the fungi with gills or pores, which the mushroom I have pictured is a perfect example of.


When an organism is in a state of homeostasis it is able to maintain a stable, constant condition. In order to maintain her state of homeostasis, my sister takes a midday nap to rejuvenate her body. Another way to maintain our human homeostasis is consuming the right nutrients to help keep our internal structures functioning properly.


Shells are hard, largely calcareous exoskeletons of marine animals, especially mollusks. I have this shell from a Galveston beach because it fascinates me that it was once a home to a small creature.


Ethylene, H2C=CH2, is a plant hormone compound that has the simplest structure in its class. One practical use of ethylene is to make polyethylene, which is used to make the ever-popular shopping bag (like pictured).

Epithelial Tissue

The skin on my body (including my beautiful arm pictured) is made up of epithelial tissue. This tissue acts as an interface between my body and the rest of the world. It is made up of cells that are tightly packed together, and it helps protect me from microorganisms and injury


Endosperm is the tissue produced in seeds of most flowering plants around the time of fertilization. It can be a source of nutrition for humans. Wheat endosperm is ground into flour to make bread, like the bread pictured. Once cheese and ham are placed on this slide, it becomes a perfect snack, and the human can benefit from the starch, oils, and proteins from the endosperm.


An ectotherm is an animal that must use external sources of heat to maintain its regular body temperature. I often find lizards crawling around the outside lights around my house and thought they would be perfect models. They crawl around to soak in the heat from the lights, for they are cold-blooded creatures.


A mosquito sucked blood from my foot, and I was harmed while the insect now has a full stomach. Somewhat similar to commensalism, the mosquito practiced parasitism when it sucked my blood. But not only did I not benefit from its actions, I was harmed as well.


This green moss has a commensal relationship with the tree because it benefits from some of the nutrients that may fall down the bark, making it ahead of the game when competing with mosses on the forest floor. The moss also has access to more sunlight that it needs, while the tree neither gains nor loses from having its new green furry friend.


A frond is a type of leaf that has many divisions in it. The palm pictured is an example of a frond leaf. Ferns and cycads also have fronds.

Bilateral Symmetry

The little butterfly I found on a decorative rock in my front yard has perfect bilateral symmetry. If one were to draw a line (like the one shown) from the tip of its antennae down through its abdomen, either side of the butterfly would be perfectly identical.


The bee on the right-hand side of the picture is a pollinator, because it has the ability to be a vector of pollen to another plant. Once the pollen sacs have been dropped onto another flower, the pollination begins!

Anther and Filament of a Stamen
The yellow stamens can be seen at the middle of this pretty pink flower. The anther is the yellow tip, and the filament is the long stem sort of thing that makes up most of the stamen. They surround the pistol, which is the female ovary of the flower.

Animal that has a segmented body

The very small ant in the center of the picture has a segmented body: head, thorax, and abdomen.

Genevieve's Biology Collection 2

1. Bilateral Symmetry
When an organism's plane is split into two mirrored halves. Most animals, including humans, have bilateral symmetry

2. Connective Tissue
One classification of the four types of tissue. Connective tissue plays a part in forming ligaments and tendons, like in our hands.

3. Cuticle Layer of a plant
The plant cuticle is a protective waxy layer over a plant's leaf.

4. Eubacteria
Also called just bacteria, are prokaryotic, and are responsible for many sicknesses, but also are helpful in many ways to our body, like the bacteria in yogurt.

5. Eukaryote
and organism who's cells contain complex structures enclosed by membranes. Most large organisms have eukaryotic cells, like horses.

6. Fermentation
is the process of producing energy by the oxidation of organic compounds, such as carbohydrates. One fermentation product is lactic acid, an acid that builds up in muscles when you work out.

7. Flower Ovary
female part of a plants reproductive system. The part of the flower that holds the ovules, connected to the base of the petal.

8. Genetic Variation within a population
The difference between genes in a population, providing a chance for natural selection to happen.

9. Long-day plant
plant that requires fewer than a certain number of hours of darkness in each 24-hour period to induce flowering. Lettuce is one such plant.

10. Modified Leaf of a plant
A modified leaf is a leaf that has been adapted for another purpose besides storing food and water, like a spine leaf, which is modified to protect.

11. Modified Stem of a plant
Offshoots are modified stems in plants that apply to lateral branches, often found on pineapples.

12. Pollinator
The 'agent' that moves pollen from the male anthers to the female stigma of a flower to accomplish fertilization; the most commonly known pollinator it the bee.

13. population
the collection of inter-breeding organisms of a particular species.

14. Predation
an interaction between organisms where a predator feeds on its prey...(don't worry, my dog didn't eat the bird)

15. Stigma and Style of Carpel
the stigma must distinguish between the right kinds of pollen, specie-wise, and the style provides support for pollen tubes, so that the pollen may be transported correctly.