Usually when someone begins to experience a headache, they massage the temples, take a few ibuprofens and attempt to continue on with their daily lifestyle whether it be work, school, or simply just living on throughout the day. That’s why when reading of Charles Monet, Dr. Shem Musoke, Sister M.E., and Nurse Mayinga’s beginning stages of the Ebola virus taking over their body, it’s very easy to be put in their decision of is simply being something minor. The Ebola virus seems to disguise itself in the beginning as a virus infection, with possible flu like symptoms. But as the body is overcome with the terrifying virus, it then becomes this bleeding vessel while the virus destroys it’s host with the intention of searching for a new one to take over and destroy which then becomes this deadly endless cycle.
As I was reading about the victims from this potential weapon, it was disturbing and nauseating to believe that this actually happened to an innocent person who couldn’t look twice to see what had hit them. But as it continued through the experimentation and studies, it was interesting to have read in a scientist point of view who is studying animals affected by Ebola. As the description of something so tiny yet complicated, could completely mutilate and destroy a living creature was fascinating and exhilarating as to how it functions. But with the simple yet petrifying incident as to her suit having a small crack that could lead to disaster allowed me to quickly snap back to reality and realize the power it has over anything or anyone in its way. I discussed with my mother if she had ever heard of such a virus that could lead to complete destruction. As strange as it seemed to me, she said no and was curious to know all about it. I was surprised to hear that something this serious was never publicized so much to let the public become more aware like the recent swine flu scare that is still talked about today occasionally on the news.
While I continue to read on, I hope that there is some way a cure or antidote found to bring this horror to rest. Unlike bacteria though, viruses cannot be completely removed from the living organism, but can be halted and put in a “resting mode”. I just hope that as I continue to read, someone as willing as the Jaax couple working with the Ebola virus, will eventually find a cure or way of ending its infected route.
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