Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Valerie's Hot Zone Reaction Part 2

Part 2 of the Hot Zone is one of the longest sections of the book but is hard to put down. As I read about Dan Dalgard and his situation with the monkeys becoming increasingly ill. To me the fact that more monkeys were falling ill only foreshadowed that they would become ill with Mar bug or Ebola. I was astonished at the fact that Ebola was able to jump from one continent to another. Even thought I was sad that so many healthy monkeys were dying from Ebola I am also glad that they were able to use them for research. Because if they were not used then they would have never found the Ebola. I was happy to see how well Dan Dalgard took great responsibility in trying to see what was wrong with the monkeys. If it were not for him Ebola might have never been found in the U.S.

I was even more pleasantly surprised how well USAMRIID handled the outbreak at the monkey house. They were able to keep the Ebola from spreading to the public and were able to hide the it from the public as well. The out break would have caused a panic. I wondered to myself what would happen if the news would have made it out to the public? Then I remembered the panic the swine flu caused in Mexico then in the U.S when the first person cached it.Most people panicked and believed they had the swine flu . The same thing would have happened if the public would have know about The Ebola.

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